Category Adapted Book Series

Category Adapted Book Series

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Category Adapted Book Series

Category Adapted Book Series

Regular price $9.50
Sale price $9.50 Regular price $9.50
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This resource offers three interactive adapted books designed to help autistic students improve their categorization skills. Each book contains 9-15 pages with consistent routines, enabling students to either match items to specific categories or choose the correct category for a group of items. This dual approach is crucial for effective skill mastery. These books feature visual aids and are tailored for students with limited language abilities, making them an excellent tool for special education teachers and parents looking to support their autistic children in developing more advanced language skills.

These books offer a visually engaging and interactive platform, ideal for students with limited language abilities to hone more advanced language skills. In " I Spy Categories" students elect an item that goes in the named category " What is the Category?" challenges students to select the correct category (with a visual) for a group of items, and "What Function Do You See?" challenges students to select the correct category name (text only) for a single item using more advanced category options. This product also includes setup instructions and a picture storage board for convenience.
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