Autism Informational Handouts for Parents & Families

Autism Informational Handouts for Parents & Families

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Autism Informational Handouts for Parents & Families

Autism Informational Handouts for Parents & Families

Regular price $10.99
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Empower parents of children with autism with this comprehensive set of 15 informational flyers addressing common concerns and questions. Crafted in easily understandable language, each flyer includes visuals, examples, and practical tips. Whether you're a parent seeking valuable insights or a teacher fostering home-school connections, this resource elucidates crucial strategies and information. Covering topics such as behavior, communication, reinforcement, sensory behaviors, and community integration, these flyers serve as a bridge for effective communication between educators and parents. Utilize them to establish a shared understanding and promote a collaborative approach to supporting children with autism both at home and in the school environment. Includes an editable version! 

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